Powered by Canada411 & Yellowpages databases this phone number reverse lookup will allow you to find more information about who called you, whether it's a residential number, a business number or even an unsolicited call from spammers. You can also browse our phone number area code list.
Reverse Phone Number Search helps find a person by entering a phone or fax number. You may search with the last 7 digits of a phone number to view all listings with phone numbers containing those portions, or all 10 digits to find a specific listing in Canada.
If the phone number is not in any of our databases we will try to give you general information about the phone number:
Origin (city & province)Company provider (Telus, Bell, Rogers, etc.)Usage (cell number or landline)Examples of general phone number infoArea Code - prefixCityProvinceCompanyUsage416-206-XXXXTorontoONTELUS MobilityCell Number514-218-XXXXMontrealQCBell CanadaLandline613-355-XXXXOttawa-HullONRogers CommunicationsCell NumberFind information about unwanted phone callsFed up with unsolicited calls from spammers? Our reverse phone number lookup will allow you to know which phone calls matter or not. We gather users feedback and present you with a clear answer.